Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Over the Pit

Today I told my husband that I could no longer be his wife.

Here we hang, the pair of us, over our own deep pits, wondering what comes next.

I told him I had spent the week thinking about, peeling away, all the doubts, the anger, the blame, the self-recriminations, the despair...all of it...and was left with this: I need to be free to love whom I love freely, joyfully, and fearlessly.

He is leaving, because if I cannot love him, and him alone, then...then nothing.

So here we hang, the pair of us, over our own deep pits, wondering what comes next.

I feel sick.


Michelle Roebuck said...

After darkness comes light - the sickness will pass, you will be born again (not that way) and you will live freely and fully and more beautifully than ever.

So mote it be. With love and respect for the pain that is, here's knowing it will pass.

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Could I but convince him one love does not negate another, no matter which already in existence...
There is NO LIMIT to love... for I love here, there... everywhere...
And NEVER without intensity...
Would that the pirates stop trying to raid, and look at the islands alotted them...

Tujours, My Lady Flower...